12/7 Poem - Opinion is a flitting thing
Opinion is a flitting thing, But Truth, outlasts the Sun If then we cannot own them both Possess the oldest one
- Emily Dickinson
This poem is saying that opinion can change, but truth always stays the same. It is also saying that if you cannot have both your opinion and the truth, then the best one to have is the truth. There is a case of assonance used with the words sun and one. There is also a hyperbole where it says "But Truth, outlasts the Sun" because that is an exaggeration - the truth really cannot outlast the sun. The theme of the poem is "Better to go with the truth than your opinion."
Poem from: Opinion is a flitting thing by Emily Dickinson. (n.d.). Retrieved December 4, 2015, from http://hellopoetry.com/poem/3387/opinion-is-a-flitting-thing/
Picture from: Quotes About Opinions Of Others. (n.d.). Retrieved December 4, 2015, from http://quotesgram.com/quotes-about-opinions-of-others/